


没有技术,学习效率不可能大幅度提高; 没有技术,最好的教学方法将无法复制;没有技术,最合理的经营模式将是空洞而软弱无力;没有技术,靠勤奋和认真达到的果效将由于成本昂贵而没有经济价值。

说到靠技术才可能大幅度提高提高学习效率,让我来给一个简单的例子。 My job requires me to often study the background of a new invention. It’s not an easy task. Wikipedia at least doubled the efficiency of this task, mostly thanks to its extensively cross linked content. This has nothing to do with my own efforts, nor any “wise teacher’s” advice. My own efforts and methods could bring a 10-20% improvement, but not double or even more. It’s the shear force of the technology. Wikipedia is not even an intelligent learning platform. Such a platform could do much more.


The most exciting thing is a vision of providing a more natural, more intuitive and more individualized learning tool. It’s about 生产力创新. Without this vision, anyone who enters into Street of education would become just another bunch of guys wanting to make some money off the needy parents.
